
Home / Admission

To enquire about admission, please call 8741 1400 during office hours.

All residents must be assessed by the aged care assessment team (ACAT) before being considered for admission. The ACAT Team can be contacted through your local hospital or GP.

Fees and charges are calculated in accordance with Commonwealth Department of Social Services.

For general information relating to aged care fees,
phone  1800 200 422 or visit

Visitor Information

There are no set visiting hours at the Villa, but visitors will need to contact staff via intercom when visiting out of office hours.

A limited number of disabled and 10 minute car spaces are available in front of the building, and can be accessed from Burton St. Cars may not enter the driveway between 8.30am and 9am or between 2.45pm and 3.30pm. These restrictions are necessary for the safety of school children.

Visitors are asked to sign in the visitor’s book as they enter and leave, to comply with our fire safety regulations.